Bir-rata maghgla ta tnaqqis fir-reklamar tal-gazzetti stampati il-poplu se jispicca jitlef ghodda importanti ghat-thaddim tad-demokrazija. Dan ghaliex li-gazzetta stampata hi mezz ta kommunikazzjoni tradizzjonali onest u li jirregistra l-ahbar minghajr is-sogru li titbiddel jew tintilef kif inhu l-kaz tal-media digitali. Bhalmavinghataw fondu biex jigu salvati c-cinema li-gvern ghandu jikkonsidra li jaghti sussidju lil gazzetti stampati.
Just because news media is moving online rather than printed does not mean there is less democracy or we have less access to information, on the contrary online gives us more access rather than the few news agencies which actually print media with their bias. And its seriously not honest just because it's printed! Also, people will not go back to buying newspapers just because the government thinks it's better or because it's cheaper than it currently is right now
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation