Mandatory Teaching of GOOD MANNERS/ETIQUETTE at all schools.

Mandatory Teaching of GOOD MANNERS/ETIQUETTE at all schools.

Well-mannered kids develop into better citizens. There's loads to teach and kids will carry this on to their homes. I challenge anyone to go into any class and see how many kids know how to behave at table. Sometimes I wonder if the teachers themselves even know. We cannot expect our kids to behave well at a wedding or whenever friends drop in, if they haven't been groomed at home or from school. A half hour slot per week could work wonders at all levels.


This warrants some thought. Taught manners which are not reinforced at home will not stick. Good idea though.

Abroad there is what they call SEL - Social and Emotional Learning couples with Character Education. This should be mandatory in all schools at all ages.

Excellent Idea. The level of rudeness and sheer bad manners in this country has reached shocking levels! Eh? Kif hi?.....

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