Our education system is in dire need of a revolution to make it relevant to the century we are in. This goes beyond integrating a tablet as a replacement for text books. Grab 20 young graduates who have a fire to change the world and send them for a year to leading education countries and then let them formulate the education system to prepare our children for the future not the past. Just invest 3 minutes to watch the video and digest it carefully! https://goo.gl/91GM3l
Hear! hear!
Fantastic!!! Can we please do this ASAP!!!
Education will always require reforms. The how to do it is essential. One I don't agree about the young graduates, they need to be from across all the ages, spheres, gender etc etc etc. Two - The problem with education is exactly because of such proposals. Professional educators have been hindered from really doing what they are good at because they have come from individuals who are not working at the grassroots.
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