Tinda f'Teatru Rjal

Tinda f'Teatru Rjal

Il-proposta tiegħi, li nisma' ħafna nies jipproponuwa ukoll, hija sabiex Teatru Rjal fil-Belt Valletta ikollu tinda tinfetaħ u tingħalaq bħala 'saqaf'. Dan għandu jsir minħabba l-fatt li ħafna kunċerti u avvenimenti li jsiru fit-Teatru jispiċċaw jitħassru jew jitwaqqfu minħabba xita u/jew temp ikrah. - Bradley Cachia


The theater structure in the old opera house site is not a good idea from any point of view. The area inside the colonnade should be cleared and utilised as a public area with "table and chairs" for coffee shops in the basement and underneath the collonade.

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