5: CO2 Chain of Custody-based

5: CO2 Chain of Custody-based

View details here - Time: 26:10 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2Nx9hgjm60 1. Technology agnostic* 2. Physical CO2 3. CO2 (kg) captured, used or stored must be meterable 4. No estimates by proxy


Would have to be publicly declared in a system of record. This would be done to prevent double counting. Chain of custody is less an issue than double counting.

"Meterable" may be inconsistent with being technology agnostic because "meterable" implies that CO2 gas or liquified CO2 must be "metered". Does that exclude enhanced CDR techniques that may be measurable but where the captured CO2 never exists as a concentrated gas? What if basalt rock dust or olivine sand or biochar turns out to be the best/cheapest way to lock up atmospheric CO2? Should this be "measurable" or "verifiable"?

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