Women’s Collective

Women’s Collective

Sisterhood and brain food every month! 💪 A place for women to regularly meet friends and those new to the area, with a program of talks and activities from members and their invited guests - that doesn’t have to mean W.I. jam-making and crochet. It could be experiences of setting up a business, going back to education, your passion for street art, an intro to your home country, or sign language taster sesh, walking tours of the area, swap shops - anything you want to learn about.


Lots of possibilities here. Very versatile. Great idea. Would need facilities suitable for a variety of needs.

A regular meet-up for new and existing ladies in the area, to make new friends and share stories and ideas.

Lovely idea, but the venue would be quite important to me as well. Sounds a bit silly, but I don't think I'd feel very inspired in a drafty church hall or a sterile community centre. Maybe one of the railway arches could be repurposed, a bit like the mens shed that used to be there?

exercise for all. Glasgow life is expensive.

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