Digital double old & new 3d Gorbals

Digital double old & new 3d Gorbals

Community's learning 3d technology empower their youth with valuable skills such as design, problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity, important skills that are highly valued by employers. Creating a realistic representation of an idea using 3D modelling tools is useful for fundraising and sharing a visual representation of a project makes it is easier to generate support from local businesses, or other funding organizations. Read more at


Whatever art you enjoy not withstanding the importance and therapeutic benefits of physical touch and mark making. The relatively easy to learn 3d digital world realizes ideas for serious project proposals and or for just great fun with previously unimagined results only available to high end architects, image makers and film animators. 3d toolset and is empowering community well being across the board. So get on board and support this Idea.

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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