Gardening workshops and food growing sessions.

Gardening workshops and food growing sessions.

A series of workshops on gardening and food growing. Starting by managing and caring for The Rose garden Rose bushes and orchard (apples, berries and plums). Further workshops would include using the orchard fruit to Make jam and other preserves. Then expanding The skills learned to creating raised beds and growing food such as berries, courgettes, lettuce and herbs. Produce could be used by residents and donated to various cooking groups or vulnerable individuals who cant access fresh produce.


Gardening is known to have benefits for mental and physical health. Gorbals is full of beautiful green spaces that could be better used to grow food. Starting with better management of the Rose Garden lets continue providing The community with free food!

This is a great idea. Would love to see gardening and food-growing mixed with rewilding and the idea of increasing native biodiversity: wildflowers, meadows, native trees + more.

There's so much scope for the Rose Garden, would love to see it being better used

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